Maths Group

Hello Maths Group!

A quick reminder about homework:

Research how much members of a football team or the manager earns.  Or, if you wish, research how much famous pop stars/groups make.


Click the link

Click the link above to go to interactive resources.

Login using the Howes login.

In resources go to Year 6 or Year 6 Measures. Have a go at all of the activities.  
Try to play at least 2 every day!

Working out the largest and smallest amount can be really useful! What if you wanted to buy a new laptop?  How would you know what the best deal is? You'd want to make sure you get the most for your money! 

Here are 3 laptop models:

  • HP Pavilion 
  • Acer Aspire 
  • Dell inspiron

Search the internet to find different prices for each laptop.  What is the best price you can find? What is the worst?  Which of these laptops would you buy and why?