Monday 16 January 2012

Year 6 Egyptian Museum

On Friday we opened our museum up to the general public and visitors from reception class to year 5 came to admire our work.  We shared with them interesting facts and information about the objects on display.  It was a very successful afternoon!


  1. hi year6 i like your mummy and your other stuff in the museum

  2. I loved ya musiem miss shingler . miss shingler why did you fallin cos it was funnnnnnnnnnny hhhhhh see ya later from william wright

  3. euan and humdaan, charlotteWednesday, 25 January, 2012

    we loved your egyptian museum and we hope you
    are having a great time in wales. lots of wish
    from euan and Humdaan Charlotte

  4. miss shlinglar
    why did you fall in the water
